The following pages are password protected. Password is available in your latest Herald or email
Back Issues of Gunn Herald:
The majority of our magazine (The Gunn Herald) is now available to members of the society online – see Gunn Herald Back Catalogue.
The “Gunn Herald” was first published in 1987 and since then over 100 editions have been published each with fascinating articles submitted by members covering a wide range of topics and styles.
An index of all the articles is given here in Excel form which allows searching and also as a static .pdf file for those who are unable to open Excel (but no search facility!)
A sample edition of the magazine (from October 2013) is available here:
Shopping Discount Codes
Shop(s) and their associated discount code(s) available to members may be found by clicking here: CODES.
A New Membership Option for the Clan Gunn Society
Annual Membership
Following a review of our current membership options and in an attempt both to appeal to new members and to bring our membership into line with the modern electronic world, the Clan Gunn Society has decided to offer an e-membership at a cost of £5p.a. This will be available to all new members from the end of March 2018 and for any existing members (when their membership next comes up for renewal).
E-members will receive an online welcome pack but will not receive hard copies of the Herald, however they will be able to view the Herald by electronic means. In all other respects the e-membership
will be the same as the traditional membership in that e-members will be entitled to discounts to Clan Gunn events held throughout the year and free entry to the Clan Gunn Heritage Centre (CGHC) etc. We believe that not only will this e-membership help us streamline our administration but it will also allow for closer communication with our membership.
However when signing up, we will also encourage all new e-members to make a voluntary donation of a further £5, £10 or a figure of their choosing which will go directly to the Clan Gunn Heritage Trust (CGHT), which is responsible for the upkeep of the Clan Gunn Heritage Centre in Latheron. In this respect, we will update the website on a regular basis with details of projects that require funding to hopefully make the request seem more relevant. For instance, we are currently replacing the ceiling and repainting the walls in time for the new season and it is likely that we will have to also replace a number of the windows over the course of the next year.
Whilst we will encourage all new members to take out e-membership (where possible), we wish to reiterate that the traditional membership (for those that still want to receive a hard copy of the Herald) will remain at the same cost of £16 p.a. for UK members and £19 p.a. for overseas members.
For those existing members who pay by standing order and who wish to convert to e-membership, there will also be an option to leave their existing standing orders in place and an automatic
donation of £11 p.a. (UK) or £14 p.a. (overseas) will be made to the CGHT on their behalf.
Life Membership
We will also be offering a life e-membership at a one off cost of £250, (of which £200 will be an automatic donation to the CGHT). However as with the regular e-membership, there will be an
option to make a further donation should the new life e-member wish.
With regard to existing life members, we will shortly be writing to them to offer the option of “buying out” their existing traditional life membership. This will take the form of the Clan Gunn Society making a one off contribution of £200 to the Heritage Trust for each existing life member who is prepared to accept ongoing life e-membership.
We intend to recognise all life members on a brass plaque/glass plate or similar at the Clan Gunn Heritage Centre. Once again, there is no requirement for existing life members to change to the new
life e-membership should they wish to continue to receive hard copies of the Herald.
Members’ Area Ideas for the Future?
For the future we are looking to publish some of the genealogical information available within the Society in the Member’s Area of the site, and also provide a forum for discussions on topics relevant to the Clan, but we are open to suggestions from members (and non-members who are thinking of joining) alike, so if you have any thoughts on this, or any other changes that you would like to see to this web-site please feel free to comment below.