Clan Gunn Council Membership – Your Clan Needs You!
Does your interest in Clan Gunn stretch beyond just being a member and would you like a say in how the Clan Gunn Society is run? We are looking for new council members and would invite members of the clan to put themselves forward for election. Council membership runs for a 3 year term and we wanted to assure any would-be council members that joining the council can be a very rewarding experience and that the duties are not particularly onerous. The council usually meets three times a year, usually once in London, once at the St Donan’s Day event in April and once in July/August (at the Gathering in a Gathering year) usually in Scotland.
Whilst a couple of the officer positions are coming up for renewal, namely those of General Secretary and Membership Secretary, we also require 4-5 general council members. If you are interested in putting your name forward for either one of the officer positions or as a general council member or would like to find out a bit more about what the role(s) might entail then please contact us at
We hope that you will consider this and look forward to hearing from you.