From time to time we have requests from members to see where their family connects to the Clan and if there are any records that they can view.
Requests by paid members can be made to the Clan Genealogist Mr Mike Pearson
If you have a completed tree you can also send it to Mike for inclusion with the Clan files ideally in a GEDCOM or FTM format.
Mike has recently taken over from Abb Gunn in the genealogist role so please bear with him and show patience as he works through the small backlog of requests.
In order to meet these requests successfully we need some information to get us going;
- Your membership number (must be current)
- As much information about your earliest known ancestors.
- As many dates, names, maiden names and locations as possible.
- Any documentation you have to support your findings.
If you are unsure where to start there are a number of sites that offer free or paid support to build your family tree. Most have similar information and sources.
Useful links;
Cyndi’s List Free and a great starting point
Scotlands People a really useful site for Scottish ancestry
Ancestry.Com build a tree and interact with other builders – ensure you check provenance before you link though!
MyHeritage.Com like Ancestry but a rival company
GedMatch.Com great site for comparing DNA and GedCom information.
iReviews Definitive Guide useful information with 25 genealogy sites reviewed and listed
There are other companies out there and be mindful that they are in business. Sometimes your own physical attendance to a library, Court, graveyard, church or business may yield better results.
Remember, before a certain date the information in some trees may be conjectural. Use good judgement and check other peoples’ information fully before simply copying.
This list isn’t everything available but it will get you started. If you do find any good sites which you think hold Gunn archives please drop us an email at or contact Mike at the email above.